
As CEO/Director General, Chris leads our global operations. First and foremost, he is our lead recruiter. An agency’s worth begins with its ability to choose the right people and he will do just about anything to find them. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he has worked in the U.S., Argentina, Colombia and Mexico and knows just about everyone in interactive marketing. He is also our lead “geek” when it comes to process. He has turned around two of the largest interactive agencies in Latin America and much of that success came from process improvement and training. However, his true passion resides in developing integrated strategic solutions and molding local talent to become genuine 360° global strategists.

For more than 15 years Chris has been developing integrated strategies and world-class solutions that include multi-channel strategic planning, development of websites, e-mail and mobile marketing programs, social media initiatives, print and online media campaigns, search engine marketing and viral marketing, as well as the monitoring and analysis associated with each of them.

Recently, as CEO / Managing Director, Chris led OgilvyOne, Ogilvy Interactive and Neo@Ogilvy Mexico where he obtained a level of local and international awards Ogilvy never before seen in Mexico. In 2010 they won 20 awards, including:

While at Ogilvy he served over 20 international and local clients, including: American Express, Nestle, Nubrenza (UCB), Metlife, Axtel, Motorola, Gandhi, IBM, Lenovo, UPS, among others.

Before joining Ogilvy, as President, he led the turnaround of one of the largest independent interactive agencies in Latin America: Latin 3. He dramatically improved the quality of deliverables and customer satisfaction by implementing new disciplines and skills that had not existed in the agency previously, including: quality assurance (QA), resource planning, strategic planning, information architecture and post-mortem project analysis. While there he served many clients in the Latin American and the U.S. Hispanic markets, including; Google, DELL, Pepsi, Reebok, Lexicon Marketing, Visa, Nextel, Terra, Cisco, Disney, Sony, Discovery, Taca Airlines, SAP and General Mills.

Previously, Chris was Vice President of Marketing Strategy & Services at Publicis-Modem in San Francisco, where he led client relationships and developed the strategic direction of several brands, including Hewlett-Packard, General Motors, Intel, Schwab, Michelin, BFGoodrich and Uniroyal.

Chris has an MBA from Northeastern University and a BBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.